HOLIDAY Style awaits ***

      Welcome to our online Holiday Style issue featuring the lovely MIA RAE! Follow the link and indulge in a specially curated shopping extravaganza. In this issue, dedicated links will lead you to hundreds of equestrian and fashion partners. Just click and shop! All of us at EQluxe would like to wish you all a very Happy Holiday and we'll see you in the new year with a very exciting SPRING COVER!  If you're not a subscriber to our online version you can join our list by just entering your email at the bottom of the website page where is says [...]

        Find Your Inner Harmony: Allegretto

        Paso Robles Horse Park is in full swing and we have the perfect SIP AWAY retreat that also contributes to inner harmony. If inner harmony starts with an affordable resort that's close to the showgrounds, count me in.  We were overjoyed to find out that the Allegretto Vineyard Resort by Ayres is so much more than that.   This beautiful Tuscany-like getaway is right down the street from PRHP and provides the ultimate reset for both mind and body, trust us it's unlike any property we've ever visited. The resort prides itself on providing inner harmony experiences. We could all use [...]

        By |October 22, 2024|Categories: Sip Away, Stable to Street, Travel, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Find Your Inner Harmony: Allegretto

          Feel Good Summer!

          Our Summer Feel Good Issue has arrived! Read along and discover new ways to improve your horse's health and yours as well. Welcome to our first issue dedicated to promoting health and wellness through multiple avenues. Read about exclusive retreats, at home care, rides of a lifetime and personal journeys. Follow our featured horse girl and actress Beth Behrs and learn about how horses have helped her navigate the stresses of Hollywood. Click the image and purchase your copy. Would you rather read it your computer? You can do that too by adding your email to our subscribers list.  Enjoy [...]

          By |July 8, 2024|Categories: Beauty, Call to Action, Drops, Fashion, Issues, lifestyle, Photography, Stable to Street, Travel, Treatments, Vitamin Sea|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Feel Good Summer!

            Match Made in Healing

             Stella McCartney and Chopra Foundation have joined forces to spotlight the Healing Power of Horses – supporting the next generation’s mental health, inspired by her Winter 2023 ‘Horse Power’ campaign and Stella’s admiration for Deepak Chopra’s ongoing work in the mental health space. The collaboration was rooted in a chance meeting between Stella and Deepak Chopra last year. During this meeting she was immediately inspired to involve herself with The Chopra Foundation and the work it has been doing to support adolescent mental health it was there that the collaboration of  Healing Power of Horses was born. The campaign is [...]

            By |November 6, 2023|Categories: campaigns, feature, Health, Inspirational, lifestyle, News, Stable to Street|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Match Made in Healing

              Autumn ‘Elevated’

              Our Autumn issue featuring Olympic Eventing athlete Boyd Martin is here. Gain insight to fall  with over 110 pages of equestrian lifestyle, luxury fashion, art,  beauty, horse products and travel. Time to level up with brands like Stella McCartney, Stübben, Adamsbro, Ariat, Vincent Peach, Urban Equestrian, American Equus, Iago,  Dressage Queen Dream, Hunt & Hall, Majyk Equipe and more! Features: BOYD MARTIN talks about family and the quest to be the best he can be, Stübben rides again, Artist Emma Tate, Finding the perfect Equestrian Facility, Dressage Dream Queen showcase, Fashion insight to Breeders' Cup, Adamsbro for holidays, Products for [...]

              By |October 28, 2023|Categories: Barn Envy, Barn Tips, Beauty, Brand Showcase, Editors Pages, equestrian editorial, Fashion, Fashion Editorial, Stable to Street, Travel|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Autumn ‘Elevated’

                Belt it out! Hermès Spring 2024

                So, fashionistas and equestrians alike have been donning the H belt for decades. It's cool, durable and well let's face it..it's chic. The H belt is a badge of luxury. Now, we have a new belt in town..the 1/2 gold eggbutt snaffle?  Definitely a fashion forward rendition of it. What do you think? Spring 2024 Hermes show Paris, France.      

                By |September 30, 2023|Categories: Fashion, Fashion Weeks, News, Review, Stable to Street|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Belt it out! Hermès Spring 2024

                  STAY WILD! New Issue

                  We are over the moon with our new STAY WILD Summer Issue featuring Brandi Cyrus. This issue held a special place in our hearts as part of the print proceeds will go to to AWHC (American Wild Horse Campaign) and advocacy group dedicated to helping to protect our Wild horse and burro herds across the United States. A huge special THANKS to all of our contributors and brand partners who helped in bringing this special print publication into fruition.  Please take the time to purchase and read about these amazing people and brands who are raising their voices for our [...]

                  By |July 15, 2023|Categories: Drops, Issues, News, Photography, Stable to Street|Tags: , |Comments Off on STAY WILD! New Issue

                    We’re goin’ Coastal

                    The Coastal Cowgirl wave has hit and although we've been livin' it for years now, some of you may not have hit the beach yet. Well, it's time. Create your own effortless summer horse girl style.  Here are some go to picks we rounded up to help you on your sea breeze country style journey and what better way to launch your beachy vibe than during Memorial Day Weekend. And that's 'beachy' not ...well you know.  Enjoy.   Be comfortable but stylish. Free People epitomizes the coastal vibe you're searching for. Love this little number Brigitte Jumpsuit  $268   You [...]

                    By |May 27, 2023|Categories: Fashion, lifestyle, Roundups, Shopping Guide, Stable to Street|Tags: , , |Comments Off on We’re goin’ Coastal

                      HOLIDAY ’22 IS LIVE!

                      Hi Everyone! We wanted to welcome you to our online Holiday Roundup Issue. If you're new to the EQluxe community welcome. Each year we do an online issue for the holidays and it's free for everyone to view! Click thought the pages, shop and support our smaller equestrian brands! Enjoy equestrian luxury at your fingertips.  Happy Holidays and see you next year! (yes that sounds so weird to say) CLICK HER TO VIEW Please use this link to repost and share https://eqluxe.com/holiday-22/ Click here to follow Zuza

                      By |December 11, 2022|Categories: Drops, Fashion, Holiday, Issues, Roundups, Shopping Guide, Stable to Street|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on HOLIDAY ’22 IS LIVE!

                        Shop the Issue

                        With the Holidays approaching take advantage of shopping a curated partner list of equestrian brands right here. Each brand has it's own link to their site where they offer up Holiday promotions and discounts. You might even fall into the perfect Black Friday special. So click through and take a look at our fabulous partners and help support our community. Coniston Pro GORE-TEX Insulated Boot $419.95 ariat.com Justin Men's 2X Gallop Wool Cowboy Hat $79.99 bootbarn.com Equilline America RUDOLPH WOMEN'S KNIT TURTLENECK SWEATER on sale $196 equilineamerica.com GREYHORSE CANDLE CO Carriage Ride $20.50 greyhorsecandles.com   Snaffle Bit Round Tray with [...]

                        By |November 19, 2022|Categories: Editors Pages, Fashion, Issues, Shopping Guide, Stable to Street, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Shop the Issue

                          SHOP THE SHOOT Summer ’22

                          As SUMMER drifts into FALL take this opportunity to shop the brands in our SUMMER EDITORIAL.  Click through the images and you'll see links for our favorite pieces. Each page has the product listed and a direct link to the brand's website to make shopping easier. With all of the Labor Day Sales going on you do not want to  miss out on finding some unexpected deals to add some EQluxe to your equestrian wardrobe.  Editorial shot by @shelliwrightphoto, model Olivia Nelson from Willow Models,  location Ojai, California.  Clothing sponsors @equilline_america @americanequus @asmarequestrian @dressagedreamqueen @vincentpeach @denim.pony   VINCENT PEACH X [...]

                          By |September 4, 2022|Categories: Fashion, Fashion Editorial, Roundups, Shopping Guide, Stable to Street|Tags: , |Comments Off on SHOP THE SHOOT Summer ’22

                            It’s Time to Shop the Spring Issue!

                            Guess what? Maybe you haven't gotten around to purchasing the New Issue (that released a month ago BTW) but that's OK! We're going to post all of the great brands that were featured with direct links to their websites so that you can shop all the EQ things that were showcased! Are you ready? Show your support.  Scroll and scroll and scroll some more. Happy shopping.   WINDEREN In the issue we featured Winderen's innovative Back Protect Solution half pads are designed to provide maximum comfort and relaxation during riding while protecting the horse's and rider's back. See the wide [...]

                            By |April 22, 2022|Categories: Brand Showcase, Editors Pages, Fashion, Shopping Guide, Stable to Street, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on It’s Time to Shop the Spring Issue!

                              Yee to the Haw COMMISSION f/w22

                              We're suckers for anything remotely related to horses on a fashion level. So we were excited by Commission's Collection for Fall 2022. The looks are sleek and modern with a western edge. As explained in their press release for New York's Fashion Week appointments (the brand chose against a show) the designing trio Dylan Cao, Jin Kay and Huy Luong. The three Asian born designers said they were thinking about non-American perspectives on Americana  when choosing a direction for the collection. The most evident of Americana elements being of course the denim, western belt buckles,leather and cowboy boots. The hand [...]

                              By |February 19, 2022|Categories: Fashion, Fashion Weeks, lifestyle, Stable to Street|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Yee to the Haw COMMISSION f/w22

                                Yay or Neigh? CHANEL

                                What a week for #equestrianstyle.  Chanel stormed the social media channels with Princess Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco opening their couture show on horseback. A stunt that many would agree should be only reserved for Hermès, Burberry or Longchamps. And yet, there she was riding down the runway. Naturally, all of us at EQluxe loved every minute of it but scrolling through the comments on the Chanel  pages and Casiraghi's one would think they beat the horse then slaughtered it on the runway. Have we become so overly judgmental that having a horse on the runway gives us the carte blanche [...]

                                By |January 30, 2022|Categories: Fashion, Fashion Weeks, Stable to Street|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Yay or Neigh? CHANEL

                                  SIP Away with WINDRACER

                                  This wine is quite good, we'll probably make it our official deadline Pinot Noir,  it's exceptionally tasty. (I'm pretty sure that's not a proper calibration of fine wine but clearly I'm not an aficionado of wines apart from the fact that I like to drink them while doing layouts in the office.) I will admit however that  over the course of the last few years, I've had some amazing opportunities to taste and learn from some of the masters of the trade so  I'm confident enough to say I know a good Pinot Noir when I taste one. The WindRacer [...]

                                  By |December 8, 2021|Categories: feature, Holiday, lifestyle, Stable to Street|Tags: , , |Comments Off on SIP Away with WINDRACER

                                    Be a Queen: Dressage Queen Dream Showcase

                                    Here at EQluxe we love supporting small local brands and equestrian start ups. We came across Dressage Queen Dream, a brand right here in Southern California through our social media channel.  Admittedly, I'm not a dressage rider but the purple tones in her collection caught my eye as I'm a sucker for anything purple and the rest is history so to speak. I'm delighted to introduce you to Cariya Breemen and her brand Dressage Queen Dream ( DQD). BEHIND THE BRAND   Tell us a little bit about your equestrian background and where you currently reside. Having grown up in [...]

                                    By |November 23, 2021|Categories: Brand Showcase, Fashion, feature, lifestyle, Review, Stable to Street|Tags: , |Comments Off on Be a Queen: Dressage Queen Dream Showcase

                                      AUTUMN it’s official

                                      The Autumn Fashion Issue featuring actress + horsegirl Mackenzie Foy is available now! Level up with over 100 pages of luxury fashion, travel and equestrian style. This issue is suspected to sell out quickly. Currently, EQluxe is only available for shipping in the USA. However, online version is available for our blog subscribers, subscribing is free, just scroll to the bottom of the page and subscribe!

                                      By |October 27, 2021|Categories: Drops, Fashion, Issues, Stable to Street|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on AUTUMN it’s official

                                        ISSUE #11 Hits the stands!

                                        Issue #11 is here! Jump into our Immerse Yourself Issue. This spring issue features Equine artist Raphael Macek, your dream barn, OTTB incentives, Colorado rides that will knock your breeches off, travel, beauty and luxury fashion style updates you've come to expect from our luxury publication. BUY NOW     Title Image of @haileebobailee shot by @shelliwrightphoto

                                        By |March 29, 2021|Categories: Beauty, Fashion, Issues, Stable to Street|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on ISSUE #11 Hits the stands!

                                          Styled and Ready Holiday 2020

                                          Welcome to our Holiday Issue! We are pleased to present you with our online issue. It's free for everyone to flip through and shop your favorite links until your hearts content. The team at EQluxe wishes you a beautiful and safe holiday this year and we thank you wholeheartedly for you support. CLICK FOR ISSUE to view     Scroll down to purchase a printed version. If you would like to purchase a on demand print copy of the issue we have made the publication available on Magcloud below. Please keep in mind the printing of on demand is a little [...]

                                          By |December 3, 2020|Categories: Barn Envy, Barn Tips, Beauty, Holiday, Issues, lifestyle, Photography, Roundups, Shopping Guide, Stable to Street, Thoroughbred Aftercare|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Styled and Ready Holiday 2020

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