What a week for #equestrianstyle. Chanel stormed the social media channels with Princess Charlotte Casiraghi of Monaco opening their couture show on horseback. A stunt that many would agree should be only reserved for Hermès, Burberry or Longchamps. And yet, there she was riding down the runway. Naturally, all of us at EQluxe loved every minute of it but scrolling through the comments on the Chanel pages and Casiraghi’s one would think they beat the horse then slaughtered it on the runway. Have we become so overly judgmental that having a horse on the runway gives us the carte blanche to go after one another in such horrific ways? Honestly, I was appalled by some of the comments. One of my favorites being “Does she even ride?”
We call ourselves equestrians and yet some will use every opportunity they can to ridicule a rider, a horse, what someone is wearing or what equipment they choose to use. Get over yourselves. The show was beautiful, she was beautiful and so was her horse. The end. Thank you Chanel for bringing the equestrian sport into the general public conversation. Oh and for those of you who asked does she ride? Yes you fools she rides and has been a winning Showjumper for several years.
Too snarky?